How to create a diagram

This manual assumes you have logged into simplified. In the top right corner select your repository. (In this example the repository is called Demonstration, but your might be called different like My Repo 1) In the bottom left the repository view will now be populated with Models. (Your models might differ) By right-clicking on a model, you will see a context menu with the option to create a folder. Click this open. This will open a new popup where you can input the Folder name. Once you have filled out the folder name click on submit. Next, right click on your newly created folder. This will again open a context menu. In this context menu you will see multiple options. Hover over the Create New option. This will open a sub context menu to the side. Here you can click Create New Diagram. You will now be shown another popup. In this popup you will have to input the Diagram Name, select the notation where your diagram type is and then select the Diagram Type you want from the dropdown menu. Once done, select submit. Your new diagram is now created in the folder. You might have to open the folder first by clicking the arrow on the left side.

How to delete an object

Full delete

Delete from Repository using a mouse

Select the object you want to delete from the Repository by left clicking.


Now right click the Selected object and select ‘Delete’ in the menu that appeared.

Press ‘Yes’ to confirm deletion.



Delete from Repository using a keyboard

Select the object you want to delete from the Repository by left clicking it.

Press the ‘Delete’ button on your keyboard, the element will now disappear.

Delete from Diagram only keyboard

Select the object you want to delete from the Canvas* by left clicking it.

Press and hold ‘Ctrl’ + press ‘Delete’ on the keyboard.

The element and all its visual elements are now deleted

Visual delete

Select the object you want to delete by left clicking it.

Press the ‘Delete’ button, the element will now disappear.


Object —  Model, Folder, Diagram, Table, Element and a Connection.

Full-delete — The option to delete an Object completely. (An objects will disappear from the Canvas and from the Repository as well)

Canvas — A window where a diagram appears after opening it.

Visual-delete — The option to delete just a visualisation of a Model Object. (Visually-deleted objects stay in the Repository)